Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0

◆ fnet_dhcp_cln_callback_t

typedef void(* fnet_dhcp_cln_callback_t) (fnet_dhcp_cln_desc_t desc, fnet_netif_desc_t netif, void *cookie)

DHCP client event handler callback function prototype, that is called when the DHCP client has updated the IPv4 parameters (in BOUND state) or sends the DHCP discover message.

descDHCP client descriptor.
netifNetwork interface descriptor which IP parameters were updated.
cookieUser-application specific parameter. It's set during the fnet_dhcp_cln_set_callback_updated() and the fnet_dhcp_cln_set_callback_discover() call.
See also
fnet_dhcp_cln_set_callback_updated(), fnet_dhcp_cln_set_callback_discover()

Definition at line 248 of file fnet_dhcp_cln.h.

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