Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0

◆ fnet_netif_get_ip6_dns()

fnet_bool_t fnet_netif_get_ip6_dns ( fnet_netif_desc_t  netif_desc,
fnet_index_t  n,
fnet_ip6_addr_t addr_dns 

Retrieves the n-th DNS IPv6 address of the specified network interface.

netif_descNetwork interface descriptor.
nSequence number of DNS IPv6 address to retrieve (from 0).
addr_dnsPointer to DNS IPv6 address that will contain the result.
This function returns:
  • FNET_TRUE if no error occurs and addr_dns is filled.
  • FNET_FALSE in case of error or n-th DNS address is not available.
See also

This function is used to retrieve all DNS IPv6 addresses registered with the given interface.
It is present only if FNET_CFG_DNS is set to 1.

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