Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0

◆ fnet_ping_init()

fnet_return_t fnet_ping_init ( fnet_ping_params_t params)

Initializes PING service.

paramsInitialization parameters.
This function returns:
See also
fnet_ping_params_t, fnet_ping_callback_t, fnet_ping_release()

This function initializes the PING service. It allocates all resources needed and registers the PING service in the polling list.
After the initialization, the user application should call the main polling function fnet_service_poll() periodically to run the PING service routine in the background.
The fnet_ping_callback_t callback function, which is set in params, will be called when correct echo-reply is received or timeout is occurred.
The PING service is released automatically.
Call fnet_ping_release() if you need to terminate it earlier.

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