Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0
FNET Directory Structure

The current version of the FNET project has the following directory structure:

fnet                        - FNET root directory.
|-- fnet_stack                - FNET TCP/IP stack.
|    |-- stack                  - FNET TCP/IP stack platform-independent source code.
|    |-- service                - FNET Services.
|    |    |-- autoip              - Auto-IP service.
|    |    |-- azure               - Azure IoT Hub adapter.
|    |    |-- bench               - Benchmark client and server.
|    |    |-- dhcp                - DHCPv4 client and server.
|    |    |-- dns                 - DNS client/resolver.
|    |    |-- flash               - Flash Memory driver.
|    |    |-- fs                  - File System driver.
|    |    |-- http                - HTTP Server service.
|    |    |-- link                - Link-Detection service.
|    |    |-- llmnr               - LLMNR server/responder.
|    |    |-- mdns                - mDNS server/responder.
|    |    |-- ping                - PING service.
|    |    |-- poll                - Polling Mechanism library.
|    |    |-- serial              - Serial Input/Output driver.
|    |    |-- shell               - Command Shell service.
|    |    |-- sntp                - SNTP client.
|    |    |-- telnet              - TELNET server.
|    |    |-- tftp                - TFTP server and client.
|    |    |-- tls                 - TLS library.
|    |-- port                   - FNET port-specific source code.
|         |-- compiler            - Compiler-specific source code.
|         |-- cpu                 - FNET platform-specific source code.
|         |    |-- lpc              - LPC-specific source code.
|         |    |-- mcf              - ColdFire-specific source code.
|         |    |-- mk               - Kinetis-specific source code.
|         |    |-- mpc              - Power Architecture-specific source code.
|         |-- netif            - Platform-specific network interface drivers.
|              |-- enet          - ENET Ethernet module driver, used by LPC platform.
|              |-- fec           - FEC/ENET Ethernet module driver, used by MCF, MPC, i.MX-RT and MK platforms.
|              |-- qca           - QCA4002/4 Wi-Fi module driver, adapter for "third_party/qca-x.x.x".
|-- fnet_doc                  - FNET documentation.
|-- fnet_demos                - FNET demo projects.
|    |-- common                 - Common source code used by demos.
|    |    |-- fnet_application    - Demo application source code.
|    |    |-- fnet_webpage        - Demo web page source code.
|    |    |-- startup             - Platform-specific start-up source code and drivers.
|    |-- build                 - Demo projects.
|         |-- <board_name>        - Demo projects for a <board_name> board.
|              |-- shell          - "Shell" demo is a fully featured shell. It allows
|              |                    view/change various parameters (e.g. IP address,
|              |                    subnet mask), explore mounted file systems, run 
|              |                    DHCP client, HTTP and Telnet servers.
|              |-- shell_azure    - FNET Azure IoT Hub client example.
|              |-- shell_boot     - FNET TFTP Bootloader.
|              |-- shell_boot_app - Example application used for the FNET TFTP Bootloader
|              |                    demonstration. This demo has the same features as
|              |                    the "Shell" demo, but it`s modified to be able to
|              |                    work with the FNET Bootloader.
|              |-- shell_bench    - TCP/UDP Throughput Benchmark application. 
|              |-- shell_tls      - Example application used for the HTTPS server demonstration.
|              |                    This demo has the same features as the "Shell" demo,
|              |                    but in addition it includes the mbedTLS library.
|              |-- shell_wifi_<board> - Example application used for the Wi-Fi interface demonstration.
|                                       It has the same features as the "Shell FreeRTOS" demo,
|                                       but in addition it supports the Wi-Fi network interface using the Qualcomm QCA4002/4 module.
|-- fnet_tools                - FNET PC tools.
|-- third_party               - Optional, third-party libraries.
     |-- azure_iot-x.x.x        - Azure IoT Hub Device C SDK.
     |-- cmsis-x.x              - ARM CMSIS-Core(M) library, used for ARM Cortex M platforms.
     |-- mbedtls-x.x.x          - mbedTLS library, used by FNET TLS.
     |-- freertos-x.x.x         - FreeRTOS, used by freertos examples.
     |-- qca-x.x.x              - Qualcomm QCA4002/4 driver, used by shell_wifi_<board> example.

© 2005-2020 by Andrej Butok. http://fnet.sourceforge.net