Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0

◆ fnet_socket_shutdown()

fnet_return_t fnet_socket_shutdown ( fnet_socket_t  s,
fnet_sd_flags_t  how 

Terminates the connection in one or both directions.

sDescriptor, identifying a socket.
howFlag that describes what types of operation will no longer be allowed, it's defined by the fnet_sd_flags_t.
This function returns:
See also

This function is used on all types of sockets to disable reception, transmission, or both.
If the how parameter is SD_READ, subsequent calls to the fnet_socket_recv() function on the socket will be unallowed. If the how parameter is SD_WRITE, subsequent calls to the fnet_socket_send() function are unallowed. Setting the how to the SD_BOTH disables both sends and receives as described above.
The fnet_socket_shutdown() function does not close the socket. Any resources attached to the socket will not be freed until the fnet_socket_close() is invoked.

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