Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0

◆ fnet_strtok_r()

fnet_char_t* fnet_strtok_r ( fnet_char_t str,
const fnet_char_t delimiter,
fnet_char_t **  last 

Breaks a string into a sequence of tokens.

strThe string from which to extract tokens (null-terminated).
delimiterThe string that contains a set of delimiter characters (null-terminated).
lastReturn parameter used by fnet_strtok_r() to record its progress through str.
This pointer, must be the same while parsing the same string.
This function returns a pointer to the next token in str. If there are no remaining tokens, it returns a FNET_NULL pointer.

This function parses the string str into tokens.
The first function call should have str as its first argument. Subse- quent calls should have the first argument set to FNET_NULL. Each call returns a pointer to the next token, or FNET_NULL when no more tokens are found.
The function also updates the last parameter with the starting address of the token following the first occurrence of the delimiter parameter.
The delimiter string may be different for each call.

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