Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.5.0
FNET Shell FreeRTOS Demo Quick Start
  • This application has absolutely the same features and behaviour as the Shell demo application. So follow steps described in FNET Shell Demo Quick Start.
  • In addition, the application:
    • runs in FreeRTOS task.
    • polls application protocol with a period.
    • has additional application parameters:
      • FAPP_CFG_FREERTOS_TASK_PRIORITY - FreeRTOS task priority.
      • FAPP_CFG_FREERTOS_TASK_STACK_SIZE - FreeRTOS task stack size.
      • FAPP_CFG_FREERTOS_TASK_POLL_PERIOD_MS - Polling period for calling the fnet_poll_service() function.
  • The application project includes FreeRTOS. Its source code is located in fnet/third_party/freertos-x.x.x/.
  • FreeRTOS FNET application configuration parameters are in the FreeRTOSConfig.h file.

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