Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0
fnet_bench_cln_params_t Struct Reference

Initialization parameters for the fnet_bench_cln_init() function. More...

Data Fields

struct fnet_sockaddr address
 Socket address of the remote benchmark server to connect to.
If the address port number is set to 0, it will be assigned to the default port number defined by FNET_CFG_BENCH_CLN_PORT. More...
fnet_socket_type_t type
 Protocol type. It can be SOCK_STREAM (TCP) or SOCK_DGRAM (UDP). More...
fnet_size_t message_size
 Size of one message to send. Its value must be less than FNET_CFG_BENCH_CLN_BUFFER_SIZE. More...
fnet_index_t message_number
 Number of messages to send. More...
fnet_bench_cln_callback_session_end_t callback
 Pointer to the callback function defined by fnet_bench_cln_callback_session_end_t. It is called when the benchmark session is finished. More...
void * cookie
 Optional application-specific parameter.
It's passed to the callback function as input parameter. More...

Detailed Description

Initialization parameters for the fnet_bench_cln_init() function.

Definition at line 87 of file fnet_bench_cln.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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