Embedded TCP/IP stack  4.7.0
fnet_init_params Struct Reference

Input parameters structure for fnet_init() More...

Data Fields

void * netheap_ptr
 Pointer to the FNET heap buffer.

The FNET uses this heap buffer for the internal dynamic data allocation as: More...
fnet_size_t netheap_size
 Size of the FNET heap buffer. More...
const fnet_mutex_api_tmutex_api
 Recursive mutex API. It is optional and availble only when FNET_CFG_MULTITHREADING is 1. More...
const fnet_timer_api_ttimer_api
 Timer API. It is availble and must be set only when FNET_CFG_TIMER_ALT is 1. More...

Detailed Description

Input parameters structure for fnet_init()

See also

Definition at line 122 of file fnet_stack.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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